Monday, June 29, 2009


Rick, Brett, Chad, Pam, Meg and Chase are here for their annual visit. For their first full day, we decided to go on a long 4-wheeler ride. The weather and scenery were beautiful and the "road" was challenging enough to keep it exciting.

Rick contemplating life?

A short rest.....

Brett chillin'

Rica, Meg and Chad.

Pam does an amazing job riding the trails!

What a beautiful little girl!!!

Chase is ready to take over.

One little mishap... Brett hit a rock that threw him off the trail.
Catch you later.... (Chase and Rick)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

HOME IMPROVEMENT (continued....)

Loren put up the faux beams on the livingroom ceiling and enclosed the stovepipe at the ceiling. It looks soooooo good!


Thought I'd share a couple pictures of the 45th parallel we cross just outside of New Meadows. It is absolutely beautiful country!!


Heidi and I went down to Pocatello to visit with relatives. We stayed at my parents' house and had a nice long visit with them. The next day we had lunch with my brother Jay, my sister-in-law Pat, and two of their daughters (Natalie and Sarah) before heading back to Boise. I stayed in Boise with Heidi and Guy on the trip down and on my trip back home. Heidi and I got a lot of errands done (and threw in a little shopping too). Thanks so much for the hospitality Heidi and Guy!!!
Heidi with her grandparents; Zola and Deryl Parris at their home in Virginia, Idaho.
Jay, Pat, Natalie, Sarah, Heidi and I met for lunch at Ruby Tuesdays in Pocatello. It was really nice visiting with them but we didn't have nearly enough time to catch up. My brother's oldest daughter is in Washington, DC, doing an internship at the State Department so, obviously, was not able to join us. Check out her DC blog at